
Agent Portal Sign In - York Region District School Board

Please note: the Terms & Conditions of Participation (Legal Agreement) are under review. Once implemented, Parents must accept by signing the newest version in order for their child's application to proceed to the next step in the application process.

Before you begin

The information provided below is a summary of the Program offered, process for Application, and expectations on admission.


Programs Offered

Application Process

School Selection

Forms to Complete

Applicants are responsible for reviewing all forms and policies, fully completing all forms required for the Application, and submitting a complete Application using the True North Portal.


The following forms and documents, which together form the Application, must be submitted before a review of the Application will begin.


Forms and documents must be downloaded and completed and signed.


Completed documents must be scanned as PDF or JPEG document types only and must be less than 5MB each. If any document is larger than 5MB, it must be rescanned at a lower resolution before beginning the Application Process.

The following documents must be submitted in the Application Process:

  1. Legal Agreement (Terms & Conditions of Participation) - the Parent(s) must sign this document. It is the Parent(s)’ responsibility to make sure that they understand the requirements it contains.
  2. Refund Policy - the Parent(s) must sign this document. Note that after admission, a refund is only granted if the Study Permit is refused by IRCC.  The Application Fee is non-refundable.
  3. Photo page of the passport - the passport photo page of the Student Applicant’s passport, if they have a passport already, must be uploaded. This allows the YRDSB to confirm the Student Applicant’s information to ensure that all information is correct.
  4. Authentic school transcripts or report cards for the last two academic years, from the school the Student Applicant attended, translated into English.
  5. School Recommendation - a school official (Teacher, Principal) at the school the Applicant is currently attending must complete the form.
  6. Consent for Information Sharing - this is required only if the student is 18 years of age when submitting the Application.
  7. Custodian Declaration Form - the form is available from the IRCC website. It has two parts: one is completed by the Parent(s) and notarized in the home country, the other is completed by the Custodian and notarized in Canada. This form is required at the time of application from all Student Applicants, even if a parent will accompany them.

    If applying to a YRDSB authorized homestay provider, the Custodian Declaration form is NOT required immediately; however, must be submitted to the Admissions Office within 10 days of submitting the online Application.

  8. IELTS or TOFEL Official Test Results - only Student Applicants applying to grade 12 must submit this form and demonstrate a minimum score of 5.5 (IELTS) or 55 (TOEFL).

Other Documents - Collect the immunization record of the student (translated to English), and submitted to the York Region Public Health Department once the student has arrived in Canada. 


Expectations Upon Admission


Before you begin, please review the Application Instructions.

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