International Education Simplified

TRUE North is a secure, multi-user, web-based system to manage the information tracking, reporting and collaborative needs of international education programs.

Why TRUE North?

Intuitive User Interface

Fully Customizable Online Student Application

Mass Email

Powerful Actions For Repetitive Tasks

Multi-User With Multiple Security Levels

Visual Dashboard With Alerts

Unlimited Custom Fields

Attach Unlimited Documents

Custom Letter Editor

Rapid Development Cycles

Everything In One Place

Global Agent Access

Flexible Solutions For
Your Program Needs

TRUE North is a secure, multi-user, web-based system to manage the information tracking, reporting and collaborative needs of international education programs. Built from the ground up to be a hosted solution, security and protection of student information is our highest priority. TRUE North mirrors “best practices” in the online banking industry using state-of the-art encryption technologies and offsite backups four times per day at strategic times. TRUE North is fully compliant with the Canadian FOIPPA, ensuring all student data and backups are stored entirely in Canada. Access your student data with confidence, on any device, at any time, from anywhere in the world.

Your data belongs to you. Feel free to generate reports, letters or export virtually anything to Excel. At the time of writing this, for the past 200 days TRUE North was down for less than 60 seconds – a 99.9997% up-time!

Integration Partners

Seamless Access

TRUE North uses fully validated, W3C web standards throughout the system. This means seamless and ubiquitous access from any web-enabled device from anywhere in the world.

Online Applications

TRUE North includes a fully customizable and flexible online application system. Your team can create and build the application with our built in tools. When students apply their details will automatically flow into TRUE North (after review), including documents and photos.

Easy To Learn, Powerful To Use

With its modern user interface, and time saving features you will quickly feel at home using TRUE North. There is no need to learn complicated database queries, we take care of that for you. We care about the small details.

Complete Financial Solution

TRUE North includes a robust suite of financial tools including invoice creation, fee and payments tracking, receipting, as well as expense and commission tracking. Invoices can be quickly generated with custom letterhead and custom payment instructions.

TRUE North allows detailed search and extract capabilities with all financial information, to ensure synchronization with district financial systems. Currently, we have built in support for SRB, CIMS and Navision. TRUE North also provides tools for homestay payment management. From within TRUE North you can select and create invoices for multiple students at once. For example, we have recently added additional financial search filters, so it is simple to track students with outstanding fees.

There are also useful statistics on the homepage that give a quick snapshot of district receivables, paid and owing, as well as expense tracking.

Student Centric

TRUE North is an international student tracking system. Everything in the system connects to the students.

  • Student Demographics
  • Countries
  • Agency and Agent information
  • Flight and Trip Information
  • Insurance, passport and study permit details
  • Home-stay Details
  • Fees


TRUE North is a common system – which makes us incredibly efficient and agile. When a user requested feature is added, every client benefits at no additional cost. New features are introduced in an intelligent manner to ensure you remain productive and uncluttered. We do not charge every client for the same enhancement. We build highly flexible and customizable tools to ensure you are in control of the fields you manage, the letters you generate, and every field within your online student application.

TRUE North is integral to the success of our International Student Program and allows us to efficiently process applications, track payments, maintain data integrity and so much more. The TRUE North Team is always available to answer questions and provide training, and has been exceptionally helpful in building custom solutions to meet our board’s needs.

Sarah Leeming


Have some questions?

How you can reach us

If you want to get started, or just have more questions, feel free to use the contact form or contact us directly with the information below.


TRUE North is the program that sets the pace within our office. What's more, when Jason and Blair aren't answering my questions (which they do, and quickly!), they're working hard to make this program even better. There is no other software our team uses that rivals the value we get out of TRUE North, and I am confident it saves our team hundreds of hours each year.

Geoff Ball

Golden Hills School Division

The customer service is beyond our expectations. The staff are always very friendly and knowledgeable. They are fast to answer and brainstorm solutions to issues. They answer all our questions and are open to ideas. They are incredibly collaborative and I am incredibly happy to work with them and recommend them to anyone. We are better able to meet the needs of our clients, students and host families because of TRUE North.

Amanda Carrasco

Harmony Homestay

The beauty of TRUE North is that it directly benefits your students. Staff spend less time on data and documents and more time on the students. Needless busywork is eliminated, collaboration across sites is easier, and the potential for a paperless office exists. Lastly, don’t underestimate TRUE North as a de-risking tool during both crises and everyday events.

Michael Frankowski

West Vancouver Schools

TRUE North has been an excellent addition to our international program. It gives everyone on my team the ability to access information about students agent and host families anywhere at any time.

Tom Hamer

Palliser Regional Schools

TRUE North is a diverse international student database system that has enabled Comox Valley Schools to grow, streamline student tracking and move to a paperless office. The technical support and enhancements provided constantly is exceptional. Blair and Jason are always open to work with us on any aspect of TRUE North to improve our workflows.

Colin Guiguet

Comox Valley Schools