
Application Instructions - River East Transcona School Division

River East Transcona School Division - International Education Program reserves the right to evaluate each application and accept or decline entry.


Important! Prior to applying, students attempting graduation must submit complete transcripts to determine eligibility.



Before you begin


River East Transcona School Division - International Education Program will only accept complete applications using our secure online application system. Mailed, emailed, or faxed applications are no longer accepted. Incomplete or unpaid applications will not be processed.


Before you begin the online application process, please make sure you have collected all necessary information and documents. You will need the applicant’s complete information and complete information of both parents/guardians. This includes names, birthdates, addresses, etc. Kindly note that required documents must be submitted as PDF or JPEG files only and less than 5MB each (see below). If any document is larger than 5MB, it has been scanned at too high a resolution and must be rescanned at a lower resolution before beginning the application process.


The application fee is $250 CAD and is non-refundable. 


Students must pay full fees (per invoice) a month prior to the program start date. Failure to pay fees may result in withdrawal of the acceptance, including report to IRCC (Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada).



Required documents


Please submit all listed documents with the application. If you do not upload these documents to the online application system, you cannot complete the application process. If you do not submit a complete application within ten (10) days, the partial application will be automatically deleted.


  1. Passport photo page. Please scan the passport photo page of the applicant's passport. This allows us to double check the applicant's information to ensure proper registration in our system. 
  2. Legal Agreement. The parent(s) the application must sign our Legal Agreement. Before starting the application process, please download the Legal Agreement, have it signed in ink, and scanned as a PDF or JPEG file only.
  3. Transcripts for the past 2 years. If student is planning on graduating we require transcripts as of grade 9, translated to English and notarized. Documents must be in PDF or JPEG files only, and less than 5MB in size. You will only able to upload one document, so please ensure all pages of the records of grades are scanned as a single document.
  4. Vaccination record, translated to English. 
  5. Copy of the notarized custodianship document. If the applicant will NOT be part of our homestay program, they must assign their own custodian. This custodian must be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident, over 25 years old, and must live in Winnipeg full-time.


Recommended documents


We recommend that you collect the following documents prior to applying. These documents assist us in making an admission decision. They must be submitted as single documents in PDF or JPEG files only and less than 5MB each.


  1. Photo albums. Some students compile a photo album for our homestay placement process. Please scan the entire album as one document.
  2. Other documents. If you have another document supporting the student's application, such as a student interview form, please submit it as a single document.