
Application Instructions - Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board


Thank-you for choosing HPE!


We look forward to working with you in providing the absolute best experience for the International Students coming to Canada and studying with our school board in Belleville Ontario.


Before you begin


Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board will only accept complete applications using our secure online portal. **Please ensure to enter the student and the parents full legal names as would appear on their passport, as we use this information to prepare the legal custodianship documents.**


Before you begin the online application process, please make sure you have all the necessary documents and information listed below. These documents must be submitted as PDF file only and be less than 5MB each. 


The following information and documents are required for the Student Application and Application for Homestay to be considered complete.



Signed Student Participation Agreement. (copy enclosed for download and completion)


Copy of student passport. (must not expire while you are in Canada)


Copy of student immunization records, translated into English.


List of medications you will be bringing.


Copy of report cards for the past two years, translated into English.


A signed teacher recommendation from student's current school.


Student letter to host family telling them about yourself.


Photos of student for the host family.


Photo of student's face only. (Like a school photo)


Please Note: 


1. Once you begin, True North allows you to save the application and continue later, if necessary. There are many mandatory fields and the program does not allow you to move to the next section withouth completing these mandatory fields. However, you can click on 'go back' a page and save and continue later. 


2. HPEDSB has a 2-day mandatory orientation session where important information is shared as well as school visits. All students must attend. This is typcially held the Wednesday and Thursday, the week prior to the start of school. Partners will be advised well in advance of the exact dates.


3. Program End Dates:


 a) For students attending semester 1 only, the program end date is the last school day in January.


b) For students attending semester 2 only or the full year, the program end date is the last school day in June, typically June 27th or 28th, as outlined in the "School Calendar Dates" that is sent to Partner agencies each year.


c) Parents who plan to visit Canada and pick-up their child, must do so before the program end date, as host families are not permitted to host students past this date.